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    Osho Rajneesh Book "The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 2"

    Osho Rajneesh Book "The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 2"

    The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 2

    The Lamp of Awareness
    3 July 1972 pm in


    ONE DAY a lady came to Mulla Nasrudin’s school with her small child, her son. The lady asked
    Mulla to frighten the boy. He had become unruly and he would not listen to anyone. He needed to
    be frightened by some big authority. Of course, Mulla was a big authority in his village. He assumed
    a very frightening posture. His eyes were bulging, all fiery, and he began to jump. The lady felt,
    ”Now it is impossible to stop the Mulla – he may even kill the boy.”

    The lady fainted, the boy escaped, and Mulla became so frightened of himself he had to run out of
    the school. He waited outside and the lady came back. Then he entered, slowly, silently, seriously.
    The lady said, ”Mulla, it is strange! I never asked you to frighten ME.”

    Mulla said, ”You do not see the real fact. It was not only you who was frightened; I myself was
    frightened of myself. When fear takes over, it destroys all. To start it is easy, but to control it is
    difficult. So I was the master when I started, but soon fear took over and it was the master and I was
    the slave; I could not do anything. And, moreover, fear has no favourites. When it strikes, it strikes

    This is a beautiful parable, one which shows a deep insight into the human mind. You are conscious
    in everything just in the beginning, and then the unconscious takes over. The unconscious takes
    charge and the unconscious becomes the master. You can start anger, but you can never end
    it. Rather, the anger ends you. You can start anything, but sooner or later the unconscious takes
    charge; you are relieved of your duty. So only the beginning is in your hands, never the end. And
    you are not the master of the consequences that follow.

    This is natural because only a very small fragment of the mind is aware. It works just like a starter
    in your motor car. It starts, and then it is of no use; then the motor takes it over. It is needed only to
    start; without it, it is difficult to start. But do not go on thinking that because you start a certain thing
    you are the master. This is the secret of this parable. Because you started, you begin to feel that
    you are the master. Because you started, you think you could have stopped.

    You may not have started, that is another thing, but once started soon the voluntary becomes the
    non-voluntary and the conscious becomes unconscious, because the conscious is just the upper
    layer, just the surface of the mind, and nearly the whole mind is unconscious. You start, and the
    unconscious begins to move and work.

    So Mulla said, ”I am not responsible for what has happened, I am not responsible! I am responsible
    only for starting, and it is you who told me to start. I started to frighten the boy, then the boy was
    frightened, then you fainted, then I was frightened, and then everything was a mess.”

    Everything is a mess in our lives also, with the conscious starting and the unconscious taking over
    every time. If you do not feel it, if you do not realize it, this mechanism, you will always be a slave.
    and the slavery becomes more convenient if you go on thinking that you are the master. It is difficult
    to be a slave knowingly, knowing that you are a slave. It is easy to be a slave when you go on
    deceiving yourself that you are the master – of your love, your anger, your greed, your jealousy, your
    violence, your cruelty; even your sympathy and your compassion.

    I say ”your”, but it is yours only in the beginning. Just for a moment, just a spark is yours. Then
    your mechanism has started, and your whole mechanism is unconscious. Why is this so? Why this
    conflict between the conscious and the unconscious? And there is a conflict. You cannot predict
    even about yourself. Even you, your acts, are unpredictable to you, because you do not know what
    is going to happen, you do not know what you are going to do. You are not even aware of what you
    are going to do the next moment because the doer is deep in darkness. You are not the doer. You
    are only a starting point. Unless your whole mechanism becomes conscious, you will be a problem
    to yourself and a hell. There will be nothing but a long misery.

    As I have been emphasizing daily, one can become whole in only two ways. The first is that you can
    lose the fragmentary consciousness, throw this fragment of the mind which has become conscious,
    into the dark unconscious, dissolve it, and you are whole. But then you are just like an animal, and
    that is impossible. Whatsoever you may do, it is not possible. It is conceivable, but not possible. You
    will be thrown forward again and again.

    That small part which has become conscious cannot become unconscious again. It is like an egg
    which has become a hen. Now the hen cannot move back to be an egg again. A seed which has
    sprouted has begun the journey to be a tree. Now it cannot go back; it cannot regress and become
    a seed. A child which has come out of the womb of his mother cannot now go back, no matter how
    pleasant the womb may be.

    Downlod Book Here

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