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    Osho Rajneesh Book "This Very Body the Buddha"

    Osho Rajneesh Book "This Very Body the Buddha"

    This Very Body the Buddha

    The Last Alleluia
    12 December 1977 am in Buddha Hall
    The first question:
    Question 1


    thinking this is all that they have. This is not even the beginning; the journey has not started. You
    are fast asleep. But you can have a dream-journey – you can go in your dream to the farthest corner
    of the earth, and you can go on believing that you are a traveler. And all the time you are asleep
    here now.

    Here now you are asleep. That is what unconsciousness is. You may be conscious of the past – but
    the past is no more, so that consciousness is of absence. You may be conscious of the future, and
    the future is not yet. That consciousness is pseudo. The only consciousness is of here now, of this
    moment. If you are utterly here this moment, totally here this moment, then you are conscious. And
    in that very intensity you become a flame of light. A smokeless flame. That is what enlightenment

    So please don’t divide consciousness in two; it cannot be divided. Consciousness has one taste –
    of being aware. Consciousness knows no past, no future, no other time, no other world.

    A great poet, Paul Eluard, has said: ’There is another world. But that other world is hidden in this.’
    That’s true, that’s exactly what is the case. God is, but not somewhere else – hidden in this moment.
    Jesus says to his disciples: ’Look at the lilies in the fled. They toil not, they think not of the morrow.’
    Visualize lilies in the field, and Jesus talking to his disciples, indicating those lilies. And he says,
    ’Even Solomon in all his glory was not attired like one of these.’ What is the beauty of a poor lily
    flower? And what is the richness of a poor lily flower? It is utterly here now – it knows no other time
    and no other space. It knows no other world. Its intensity, its totality, its wholeness, makes it more
    beautiful than Solomon in all his glory

    Yes, even your greatest emperors are poor before a flower of the lily. The lily exists in the moment.
    The moment you exist in the moment, you are conscious. Consciousness is of the present;
    consciousness is a kind of presence. Otherwise you live like a robot, a machine. Obsessed with your
    habits, you go on repeating them again and again and again. And because they are mechanical they
    never satisfy you. So the wheel goes on moving. Unsatisfied, you desire a better future. Unsatisfied
    with the past, you project a future. But the future is projected out of the past – it is bound to be like
    it. Maybe a little bit different here and there, but not much. A modified thing, a little bit decorated,
    improved, but all the time in essence the same. Again you will be dissatisfied, and again you will

    Man is in a deep discontent, and goes on projecting a paradise somewhere else. That paradise
    never comes; it cannot come. The paradise has already come, it is already here. Man has never left
    the Garden of Eden. What really happened when Adam ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, he
    fell asleep. And he started dreaming that he has been expelled, that he has been thrown out of the
    Garden of Eden, that God is angry, that he has betrayed. He started feeling guilty, he started feeling
    a sinner. And he created his own nightmare.

    Otherwise, in fact, Adam has never for a single moment left the Garden of Eden. Because where
    can he go? This whole is the Garden of Eden, paradise is all over the place. It is God’s world –
    where can God expel Adam? Where? There is no other world, expulsion is impossible. This is the
    only existence there is.

    So my understanding of the Biblical parable is that Adam has fallen asleep, he has become
    unconscious. Knowledge proved to be a kind of poison. It is – knowledge always makes people
    unconscious. Because knowledge becomes content in their consciousness, and the content
    surrounds their consciousness like dust surrounds a mirror. And the more knowledge, the more
    dust. And one day the mirror is completely lost – there are layers and layers of dust and it is very
    difficult to search for the mirror.

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